"It's just a phone."
"It's just a phone."
We can't really argue with that.
Upholstered with rolled sod, a built-in "moisturizing" system helps irrigate while avoiding run off. When in production (prototype pictured), the literal lawn chair will be lightweight (at least under 25 pounds) and shipped ready to assemble. ummm, ... I WANT ONE!
government sponsor
"A number of key words already have excellent entries in the German Wikipedia" within the field of renewable resources, explains Andreas Schütte. Schütte is the executive director of the Renewable Resources Agency (FNR), which receives funding from the German Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection to conduct research on renewable resources with an eye to launching products on the market. At the same time, Schütte says that a number of key words in the German Wikipedia have very short descriptions, are not up to date, or are missing entirely.
Sell Your Wares With Video -
And what's even better:
1) It's totally viral with the "send to a friend" feature on each post.
2) There's nothing more contextually relevant than a person going to a website to look for things to buy.
We likey.
Super Chalk Mario
believe the hype
Don't believe the hype? Then settle for the cheaper Nokia N95, which features all of the above plus high speed Wifi, GPS, and a 5MP camera with a Carl Zeiss lens.
Make sure to watch the video below, which is NYT's David Pogue's review of the iPhone.
The Chipmunk VS. The Lad
What's more funny, the Berries and Creme Starburst Commercial or The Dramatic Chipmunk Clip?
Please cast your vote and reason for it in the comments section.
Berries and Creme
Dramatic Chipmunk
Window Art
Super Post It Mario
This masterpiece can be found in the streets of Seattle. (tk)
Thanks to Techeblog for checking this.
super exclusive
Because exclusive just doesn't cut it anymore Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann created Hotel Everland, the world's most exclusive hotel with just one room.
It features:
- tasteful vinyl collection with player
-i-Pod Connector/Airtunes
-Wlan for free web surfing
-Leipzig special: Mini with a parking space at Hotel Everland
Price per night: €222
current locations include Yverdon (CH), Burgdorf (CH), Leipzig (DE), Paris (FR)
Window Shopping 2.0
Ralph Lauren launched a similar window in New York last year during the U.S. Open. The larger window in London is tailored to the Wimbledon tournament, and will come down after the tournament's close in early July.
Models in Ralph Lauren outfits are projected onto a 78 inch (200 centimeter) lightweight touch foil screen applied directly to the glass.
By touching the model wearing a shawl cardigan over her dress, for example, shoppers will be guided using electronic touch sensory technology to a page adding the cardigan to their digital shopping cart. To get the dress itself, press the arrow and three new images appear, including one highlighting the dress. (tk)
clean city
In September last year, the city's populist right-wing mayor, Gilberto Kassab, passed the so-called Clean City laws. Fed up with the "visual pollution" caused by the city's 8,000 billboard sites, many of them erected illegally, Kassab proposed a law banning all outdoor advertising. The skyscraper-sized hoardings that lined the city's streets would be wiped away at a stroke. And it was not just billboards that attracted his wrath. (tk)
caught in the act
Maker Faire: Part 2
local legend
This time, he is doing an exclusive documentary on one of the most amazing phenomenons since the inception of the Internet itself: Wikipedia. It will be called Truth In Number: The Wikipedia Story, and you can follow the making-of of Truth In Numbers online as Nic and his crew are putting up new videos whenever they hit a new city around the world where they meet Wikipedians, or follow founder Jimmy Wales on his seminars and speeches.
make sure to watch the trailer below.
Here is the link to the official Wikipedia site:
vLES wants to send you there now to give you a head start. You can create a little person and then walk right into faithfully recreated virtual versions of legendary LES venues and see real bands play. And if you’re in a band, this is where you can get yourself heard.
3D Virtual/Real World Hybrid
I was amazed when I saw the Photosynth video of Blaise Aguera y Arcas during his TED Talk, see below.
The idea is to take many pictures of a given thing or area and combine them into a 3D image. Fly around it, zoom in whatever. The results are jaw-droppingly beautiful. The BBC also just announced a partnership with Microsoft; they’ve launched a new site using Photosynth technology that will show 3D photographic representations of historic sites around the UK (Ely Cathedral, Burghley House, the Royal Crescent, Bath, the Scottish Parliament buildings and Blackpool Tower Ballroom). For now, though, Photosynth only works on Windows machines.
Thanks Techcrunch! And make sure to check out the awesome BMW commercial at the end of the video showing the brilliant, zero emission, no compromise, production ready Hydrongen 7 Series! (tk)
Maker Faire
Check out the video below (courtesy of Cool Hunting), because this is an awesome event, and MAKE also just won "Best Special Event" Award from Folio Magazine! Congratulations!
Part 2 coming soon, so stay tuned ... (tk)
Live Video Ads
The concept of generating attention on the spot with product samples or events has already been popular since a while. Now marketers are starting to move this popular tactic online, generating attention with video cameras on location, integrating consumers and passerby’s into the advertisement action. These video ads are than edited on the spot and are fed directly to the web.
To promote the horror movie “The Number 23,” New Line Cinema sent street teams to bars and events across the country with a confession booth and a video camera. Visitors than had to describe their obsessions, but did not have to mention their name or show their face. The videos were edited on the spot and sent online. When Web surfers opened pages with the New Line ads, they could watch the most current videos showing people like them confessing that they are obsessed with a certain pop star or food. A former bar tender even confessed that she used to put eye drops in the beer of customers. The confessions were also posted on a YouTube channel dedicated to the movie. Check out a sample video below.
Trend Impact:
So far there is not much life video footage online. Although 50 percent of all American households are now on broadband Internet connections, local Internet traffic can make streaming video arrive more slowly. With life footage it is also much harder to remove boring or inappropriate content. But the concept of life video ads is persuading, especially since more people will watch video content on their cell phones. The availability and interaction with online content becomes a more and more important part of life for today’s consumer. Tomorrows consumer might even expect the to be surrounded by available online content wherever they go. People are used to not only interact in real life, but also embrace real time communication via various mobile messaging and online tools.
trend tent
It helps urban souls escape the great outdoors by camping much closer to home in the concrete canyons of our modern metropolitan areas, while blending in seamlessly with our environment.
It could also be a nice chance to create some extra attention especially when partnering with Rebar Group, who are doing neat things like this:
too cool for school
Pretty neat to witness what branding can do to people, and their different levels of interpreting a brand or it's meaning.
Here is what others had to say/do about their relationships with brands:
Armchair Activists Unite!
Together with MTV, Troika designed a two weeks'campaign around the Tool for Armchair Acivists to raise awareness for last year's Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen.
Some of the life changing messages submitted thus far:
1.Jeg er sjov... Jeg snakker.
I am funny... I talk.
2.god røv i de sorte bukser!
good ass in the black trousers!
3. Til folket i danmark, har i nogen sinde tænkt over meningen med livet, hvor vi kommer fra og om vi kan bruges til noget ?
To the people in Denmark, have you ever considered the meaning of life, where we come from and if we are of any use?
4.Køb en stor pølse til din kæreste
Buy a large sausage to your sweetheart
5. muHaha Haha muHaha Haha Haha HahaHahaHahaHahaHaha.
naming 2.0
For all those who have the hardest time finding a name for their almost newborn child, here is a solution - check out Nymbler.
Nymbler is a smart baby-name guide that responds to your personal taste. Just choose a few names that appeal to you or let Nymbler offer ideas.
Should come in handy for "some" of us here at GuerrillaSushi!
Burst Labs lets you define which mood you are in to present you with fresh new music. It's really sweet, and presented in a soothing, organic, and liquid looking interface that isn't overwhelming or makes you feel that you might constantly miss out on something else.
One can either pick a song after just defining "Confident" as the criteria, or go really deep into it so that the criteria chain might look like this: Confident - melodic - cheerful - festive - inspirational - insistent. Then you end up with a song called Modern Mile, by Daniel Holter and Michael Standal.
Try it out, it's a bunch of fun, however, it remains a discovery service, so you won't get the whole song due to licensing issues, just a taste ...
public enemy
When you install their little plugin on your GPS enable PDA or cell phone people can use Google maps to track your whereabouts in real time.
It is also a fantastic way to surprise people by checking in on where they are without having to ask them first. The video below has a couple of cool examples of how to make use of the service!
green computing
Their RP5700 got a Gold award from EPEAT because it is made of 95% recycleable components and it's internal chassis can be taken apart by hand without special tools. To meet the European Union's tight regulations, toxic and hazardous materials have been eliminated and both the plastic casing and external cardboard packaging source a percentage of post–consumer waste.
Similar to the LEED rating system for buildings, and now mandated for use in 95% of all government procurement of electronics, EPEAT grants bronze, silver and gold status at the product level.
The typical Mac or PC laptop is designed to last 2-3 years, while the RP5700 has a life expectancy of 5 years. In environmental impact terms, extending the useful life of a PC is a significant lever to reducing emissions during use, and energy burned during end-of-life disposal or recycling.
Ambient Media - Ocean Views
Upon walking down the stairs at the Powell Street Muni Station in San Francisco, you are greeted by some drawing in the sand, notifying you of Parkmerced Apartment Homes, in a part of San Francisco with ocean views. While we're not going to call "shenanigans" for false advertising, there's a sense of irony here in that this imagery immediately makes you feel warm, yet Ocean Beach isn't exactly considered a "warm" beach on the West Coast. In their defense, anything in San Francisco with grass and views is considered wonderful, so they're worth checking out.
You can essentially send an SMS to a t-shirt and also receive them while at a club, conference, televised sports game... Reactee allows users to create t-shirts that include a personalized message such “Support Guerrilla Sushi” that is then complimented by a unique keyword such as SUSHI on the shirt. People who see the shirt can then respond to it by sending the keyword via SMS to 41411. In return senders receive a custom text message response created by the T-Shirt creator.
Users can create text alert lists to communicate with those interested in their causes. Additionally, users can make their designs public and include them in the Reactee gallery of shirts that have received the most text messages.
A Blip on the Radar
Slang Guide
It's a lesson for all of us, and key phrases in the guide include:
Bad: Good (but this can also mean bad. When in doubt, just nod).
How’s it hanging’?: How are you today?
Laters: Cheerio, goodbye.
Minging: Ugly, unattractive.
Phat: Wicked (in the good sense), cool.
Slammin’: Pleasing to the eye.
Talk to the hand: I’m not listening.
Wack: Weak, boring.