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Facebook Stories: "Remembering"

Facebook recently revealed its newest website extension called, "Facebook Stories." The site was launched as a hub for touching and unusual stories that had the popular social networking site at their centers.

The video tells the heartbreaking story of Mayank Sharma from New Delhi, India who's case of Tubercular Meningitis resulted in him waking up one morning and realizing he had lost all memory of his life before that moment. With Facebook's numerous features highlighted in the background, he retells the story of how he turned to the People You May Know section to rebuild his memory. I'm glad his story had a happy ending!

This video shows a inspirational side of Facebook that almost humanizes the website. Maybe this website can be the start of a new form of testimonials that allows users to tell the stories of how they forged a deep connection to their most loved brands. Is this the future of  Facebook Pages?

[Via Adfreak]

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