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Interactive Instillation: Free Burma's Political Prisoners

Anyone out there who has tried to collect petition signatures knows how excruciatingly impossible it can be to garner even the slightest interest for a meaningful cause. Well aware of this fact, the creative minds at JWT New York thoughtfully played on audiences’ curiosities and empathy in order to gain petition signatures for their client’s worthy cause.

The Human Rights Watch “Behind Bars: Free Burma’s Political Prisoners” campaign ingeniously used experiential instillations to make it tough for passersby to look away from the initiative’s purpose. A large 7x18 foot instillation depicting 200 squalid miniature Burmese prison cells was erected in New York’s Grand Central Station with a sign inviting people to touch. Upon closer examination, audiences discovered 2,000 pens were used in lieu of cell bars so they could symbolically free prisoners shown in the instillation and then follow with literally helping the cause by signing a petition with the removed pens.

[Via Human Rights Watch]

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