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Landing Your Dream Job

With enough new apps and online platforms out there to give you a technology coma, how do you utilize these tools to land yourself the job you've always wanted? The beauty of the social media revolution is the ability to bring the hiring manager directly to you as opposed to submitting blindly to them.

Above is an example of Brownstein's genius way to play on the vanity of some of New York City's top advertising creative directors. Brownstein bought Google adwords for the names of industry VIP's like David Droga and Tony Grangerl.When each creative director did a "Vanity Google" of their own name, an ad appeared in which Brownstein asked each exec for a job.

After investing a total of $6, he is now working for Y&R .


[Via Huffington Post]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone did something like this too.. pretty cool idea!
