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How do you say "Balloon-enabled pizza picnics" in French?

That's right ya'll. Here's another thing France can take credit for! The Parisian restaurant Pink Flamingo Pizza now allows patrons to order their pizzas for delivery to the picnic spot of their choice through the help of a distinctive pink balloon, a pretty cute location spotter for Pink Flamingo's delivery squad (traveling by foot or bicycle). Customers simply order the pizza for delivery to a picnic spot of their choice such as "the banks of the nearby Seine," and are given a pink helium balloon, which acts as a mobile marketing tool, a sweet souvenir, and an eye-catching map marker!

With locations in Canal St. Martin and Marais, it's notorious in the city for its cleverly named pizza options including "The Bjork," which includes smoked salmon; "The Ghandi," topped with spinach saag and Baba Ganoush; and a paella themed pizza called "The Almodovar." Pizzas are reasonably priced starting at 10.50 Euros a pop, which is just under 15 U.S. dollars. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!

(Guest Contributor: Tracy, Primo Intern)